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The Beauty of Passion

By Ava Kesler

MyMind'sMap is now officially 2 years old! When the idea first came to me in April 2020, I thought MMM would just be selling note-taking templates. As it developed over time, it has become so much more meaningful.

It developed only out of my love for learning.

That is the beauty of passion.

Amazing things can start when you truly resonate with something. All it takes is a simple passion of yours, and a little bit of thinking.

So many times we are pushed back by doubts. Everything seems so much more complicated than it is. But the biggest setback is fear of what others will think. We prioritize someone else's opinion and judgement over the possibility of changing people's lives for the better when it comes to starting a passion project.

MMM is a perfect example of this. Sometimes articles do not get the most traffic that I would want, but they at least reach someone. And that's what matters most with passion projects. They have to come from the heart. It takes pure desire and enjoyment to make a passion project successful.

What I hope you can take away from this is that if you have an idea, you should go for it. When you have a goal out of the goodness of your heart, so much goodness can result. And that's what matters most.


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